Press Releases


Valmeyer resident Dennis Schreder has announced that he is a Democratic candidate for Sheriff of Monroe County. Schreder has been the Captain and Chief Deputy of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department for several years under Sheriff Dan Kelley who recently announced his retirement at the end of his term in 2014. 


The Monroe County Democratic Party’s annual dinner and silent auction was a great success according to local party officials. More than 500 people attended the March 29 event which was held at Turner Hall in Columbia.


The Monroe County Democratic Party has announced its endorsements of candidates running in contested races in the March 20, 2024 Democratic primary election. Only two positions on the March 20 Monroe County Democratic primary ballot will have contested races. In those two contested primary races, Monroe County’s Democratic precinct committee people voted overwhelmingly to endorse and support Brad Harriman for U.S. Congress and Zina Cruse for Circuit Judge.

Democrats Welcome 2012 Candidates



On Sunday, January 29, the newly formed Monroe County Young Democrats held their inaugural event at Mystic Oak Golf Course (formerly the Ridge) in Waterloo. The clubhouse was filled with more than 125 people who attended to meet the 2012 Democratic candidates.   

Jerry F. Costello II Earns Appointment to 116th House Seat


Gulf War Veteran, Former Police Officer Pledges to Fight for Job Creation, Gun Rights

Local Democrats to Welcome Governor and Lt. Governor and Honor Aaron Reitz

The Monroe County Democratic Party is preparing to welcome some special guests to its annual dinner and silent auction. They will also honor a well-known retired local public servant.

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn and Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon will be special guest speakers at the dinner. The dinner is on Thursday, March 31 at Turner Hall in Columbia. Cocktails start at 5:30 p.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m.

Sauget to Serve as Circuit Clerk

Sandra Sauget was one of the candidates who submitted resumes for consideration to fill the office of Monroe County Circuit Clerk, due to the upcoming retirement of Aaron Reitz.  A rigorous interview process was conducted by a panel composed of members of the Monroe County Democratic Central Committee.  As a member of the interview panel, I can say without hesitation that the applicants were very impressive and possessed qualities which made them suitable candidates for consideration. 

Durbin and Giannoulias Meet with Monroe County Residents

United States Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Alexi Giannoulias, the Democratic nominee for the second U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in the 2010 election, attended a lunch in Monroe County on August 19, 2010.

Durbin and Giannoulias spoke with a crowd of just under 100 people at the Waterloo VFW Hall. Monroe County Democratic County Chairman Alan Pirtle was pleased with the turnout especially considering the event was held during lunch on a weekday without much notice.

Universal Health Care and Employee Free Choice Act Topics at July Club Meeting

Labor leader Bill Thurston speaks to the Monroe County Democratic Club July 14 in Waterloo.  Thurston, president of the Southwestern Illinois Central Labor Council of the AFL-CIO, discussed issues important to labor.  He cited universal health care and the proposed Employee Free Choice Act as key concerns.

Dinner Line Up Announced

The Monroe County Democratic Party has announced its speaker line up for its annual dinner and silent auction event on Thursday, March 26, 2009. Scheduled speakers include Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias and Illinois AFL-CIO President Michael Carrigan. 

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